Here's another painting of not much in particular. Just a few old apple trees on the edge of some spruce woods, by a field, in the late afternoon. The shadows were coming out on to the field, and the woods held beautiful pockets of bright green light. This is a particular place, but it also could be anywhere. A painting of a quiet moment about radiance and darkness. I sat in the shadows on the grass and worked on it for about two hours. Oil on canvas, 10 x 8".
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I recently returned home after a week of painting on Islesboro. What I seem to be most captivated by right now is long views to far horizons, with clouds, light, and atmosphere comprising most of the image that ends up on the canvas or panel. In other words, paintings of air, of almost nothing tangible. I've also been painting quite small lately, as a respite from some large and detailed canvases I worked on intensively earlier in the year. Here is one small wooden panel, from my time on Islesboro: This is the view east from Pendleton Point, looking toward Bear Island, before sunset. The color was amazing and I only had a few minutes before it changed completely, so I chose a 5 x 7" panel and worked quickly. Here is another small painting, this is 6 x 6", and again, I had a short time to try to capture something ephemeral: The fog was coming up the harbor in great skeins and the islands just offshore were there, and then not there, and suddenly there again. I tried to describe their basic shapes and not worry about the lack of color, intstead have this be about a few shades of gray.
I came home from the week with fifteen new paintings and a renewed sense of purpose regarding the work I hope to do in my studio this winter. Those far horizons are only becoming clearer and wider as the leaves fall from the trees! |
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September 2024