Speaking of open space, I've got two paintings in a group exhibit at the L.C. Bates Museum at Hinckley, on Route 201 just outside of Fairfield, Maine. The exhibit is fortuitously entitled Open Spaces: Reimagining Pastoral Maine, and it opens this Friday evening, May 6, from 4-6 p.m. The show will run from May through early October. Directions and more information at the museum's website, here.
And, I'm so happy to say, my solo show at Landing Gallery in Rockland, Maine, is happening very soon: Postcards from Home, May 24 - June 26, with an opening during the first Friday art walk on June 3, from 5-8 p.m. I'm getting ready to deliver the paintings to the gallery - they are framed and ready to go and there are a lot of them! Around seventy paintings in all, mostly small but a few quite large. The gallery has a color catalogue to accompany the show, and I have copies too - they are five dollars each - to buy one please contact me or the gallery.
After my solo show I will be taking two painting trips, one to Bear Island and one to Great Spruce Head Island, in June and July respectively, and also plan to be painting around Frenchman's Bay and Schoodic for much of the summer. Then in September the group of artists I go on retreat with at Long Ledge on Islesboro will be meeting again. This will be our tenth year together, and Elizabeth Moss Galleries in Falmouth, Maine, will be showing a selection of our work in a Long Ledge exhibit in November. This will be a tremendous show - the other artists at this retreat have been making incredible work and I feel so lucky and blessed to be included both in this group and in this show. Dates and details to follow when the time comes.
And, as always, I welcome visitors to my home studio - or should I say, I will, when I reassemble it! Soon! Please call or email ahead to make sure I'm home. And, if you are out and about this season, and see a painter sitting down in the ledges at Schoodic, or on a remote beach in downeast Maine, look for an old gathering basket full of paint to see if it's me. I'd love to take a quick break and say hello. Best wishes for a peaceful spring and summer, filled with nature and art.